Friday, July 30, 2010 / 7:41 AM

Hello members. ^^

~Dreams is here to update yet again. Audi's having a supa long patch and I'm running out of patience anytime soon. Damnz.

Anyways, I've been wanting to do a major revamp on our beloved FAM.
I thought of :

  1. Kick all the inactive members and recruit new ones x.x
  2. Make an actual requirements so that members are "pro" enough. :X
  3. Expand the FAM House*
  4. Do more recruitments.
  5. Buy more fam channels.
  6. Members to be more active.
In order to do number 3, we will need all members to co-operate with us by donating dens daily/weekly.
Note: We'll need to have about 50million dens to expand to the 50members FAM house. I hope you all can co-operate :(

Anw, no one is checking the blog anymore. This is sooooo saaad. It's beyond miserable.
I'm going to remake the fam blog skin soon. Look forward to it alrights. :)

Signing off,

Monday, July 26, 2010 / 3:16 AM

Hello, dear members! ♥

Dreams a.k.a Fel is here to update our dear blog :). I don't know who's reading this blog but oh well!
I guess our FAM @ Audi is kind of dead now yeah. I assume it's because of the school stuff been going oun about. I expect the FAM to be even more hyper during the upcoming december hols!

Members list & links are updated.
Should we have a birthday dates session? Post your answer by our beautiful cbox. :)

p/s. I WANT FB. ):

Thursday, June 17, 2010 / 8:00 PM

Updated as requested by xSotSot ! heheheheh :)
I think we should have a mass recruitment soon, no?
And we should have more allies ! Now currently none ley. ;eeks.

Going wedding soon, Wootwoot. Snow also faster wedding ah ! Allien also :)

1) Don't forget mark attendance !
2) Don't forget to invite whoever is online @ fam for wedding/ love party. ;eeks.
3) No fb-ing without dear taoeh permission ah !
4) If can, go arena earn fp. *-*


Sunday, June 13, 2010 / 12:38 AM

Finally done with Fam blog :D
Sorry if it's not your taste yeah! But i waste alot of effort on this leh. Be nice.

Anybody who want help on keeping this blog alive, can ask me for e-mail and pw for the acc ^-^

Stay pro ~
Admire ♥